Presently reading and loving this book by Mennonite scholar the late John Howard Yoder.
There are a number of theologians and writers who often come of age and their significance is recognised after their deaths. I think that Yoder is one such writer. I also think that his contributions (critically appropriated) could help Baptists understand something of their own identity.
Not all of his work is equally accessible but this is a good book which shows how Christian 'practices' such as Baptism, justified on the basis of their own internal consistency (for that is the correctr starting point), can in turn bear witness to wider society as an example of how life can be lived. Yoder rejects the idea of two 'kingdoms' asserting that Jesus Christ is Lord over all and that the Church should bear witness to not only how things can be but in fact will be for the Kingdom is coming.
Baptists ofen wonder how from a position of the separation of Church and State Christians can engage with wider society - Yoder is writer who charts that course and in this work helps readers see how that can be done.
(Stuart Blythe)
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